The third installment of the Early Monthly Segments film series brings us one of the pinnacles of the Czech New Wave. Vera Chytilová’s first film Daisies follows the adventures of two precocious young roommates as they careen and cavort through life. Their response to a no good world is to resolve to be even worse. Chytilová makes sure the visual style is as energetic as her young (dis)ingénues—cutting wildly between film-stocks, inserting pixilated collage sequences and propelling it all along with a bopping soundtrack and a keen sense of humour. Unsurprisingly, the Czech censors were not amused; the seduction of sugar daddies, sequences of unbridled dance and wanton waste of food caused the film to be immediately banned, as all good things are.
Daisies (Sedmikrásky)
16mm, 1966, 76 mins, color/b&w
Directed by Vera Chytilová, Cinematography by Jaroslav Kucera
starring Ivana Karbanová & Jitka Cerhová
Music by Jirí Slitr & Jirí Sust
Screened with: Free Radicals, Len Lye, 16mm, 1958, 5 minutes
@ the Art Bar, Gladstone Hotel | 1214 Queen St West
Tuesday May 5, 2009 | 7:30pm screening